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The team of UNEN is a key element in the success of the company. So that all the employees can bring out their best, UNEN offers professional development and training plans, and provides a safe working environment and a long-term professional career plan. The people who compose UNEN are the most relevant factor of its success. With this outstanding raw material, the formula for our ongoing improvement consists in providing a professional development and training which makes talent shine, bringing out one’s best and put tools at the disposal of the workers which enable them to carry out their tasks.

Strategic priorities

Some of the fundamental principles which rule the human resources corporate policies of the company are sustained on the following common actions:
- To attract, keep and motivate talented people.
- To foster teamwork and quality control as a tool to boost the excellence of the work done.
- Performance management based on the premise that everybody carries out his/her work in a better way if s/he knows the objectives of the company and how to contribute to the goals established by means of his/her abilities, thus getting feedback on his/her efforts and results, and personal development plans are established.
- To act quickly, fostering the decision-making process.
- To support and increase training and learning.
- To innovate with a view to improving processes and services.

Equality, diversity and integration
Equal opportunities, non-discrimination and respect for human rights, which are basic principles set forth in the Code of Conduct of the Company, are also decisive when it comes to fostering the professional and personal development of all the employees of UNEN.

UNEN rejects discrimination on any grounds and, in particular, on grounds of age, sex, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality or disability. This commitment extends to selection and promotion processes, which are based on the assessment of the capacities of the person, on the analysis of the requirements of the position and on individual performance.
UNEN is strongly committed to combining the work and family life of its employees. The company promotes growth and the creation of values to be always compatible with reaching the highest level of satisfaction of the staff.


We take care of even the smallest details when new people join the company, conveying our organisational culture, corporate plans and objectives to them and facilitating their introduction and adaptation to the company. UNEN has ongoing training and skills development programmes, geared to covering the gaps and needs of employees, for the correct performance of their work and for their personal and professional development. We give priority to the professional promotion of people who are highly involved and committed to the company, based on clear criteria of capacity, competence and professional merits, and we direct our efforts towards the customer and with a view to achieving excellent results.

Follow-up plan and communication channels

UNEN is aware that the most important asset of the company is its employees. For this reason, it supports a Monitoring Plan from HR. The main purpose is to support new employees and provide them with ongoing monitoring during their evolution in the Company. The plan consists of the following actions:
1. Training Plan for the new employee, with this training we intend to provide an overview of UNEN. S/he will know in depth the ins and outs of his/her position and, in a general way, the overall running of the company
2. Regular integration interviews. The purpose of these interviews is to get acquainted with the situation, satisfaction vis-à-vis the projects undertaken, company, functions, etc. and to establish an alternative communication channel, with which we also improve the flow of information in the company.
3. Annual follow-up interview. At the end of the first year at UNEN, we conduct this interview in order to monitor the evolution and satisfaction vis-à-vis the project, people involved, management, etc
4. Survey for the analysis of the work climate (conducted annually). The purpose is to get to know the work climate in different aspects such as: culture, project manager, communication, training, promotion, etc.
5. The performance evaluation takes place on an annual basis. It is a tool which helps us ensure that all the people working at UNEN get feedback on their performance, on how they are doing their job; know how they are viewed by their colleagues and superiors, identify their strengths and areas for improvement
With this tool, we will prevent the existence of subjective judgements and we will have the possibility of expressing ourselves through a formal channel. All the information drawn from this survey and from the meetings is globally analysed. With this data, we can establish general satisfaction indexes in different aspects which allows the Human Resources Department and Management to establish areas for improvement.
6. Suggestion box, where every employee may leave all the suggestions s/he may deem appropriate.

Safety, health and welfare of the staff

We are committed to improving Preventive Action, including the duty to comply with the applicable legal requirements, by planning a coherent set of measures aimed at increasing the safety, health and welfare levels of the staff, through the assessment of risks, the planning of control measures, their implementation, operation and monitoring, the communication, enquiries and participation of the staff. All this, by integrating preventive management within our General Management System.
In short, we believe that prosperity is not only economic growth, but also social progress, responsible use of resources and protection of our environment.

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